Core Pickleball Skills Mastery - Need A Fun Training Format with Being The Best You Can Be... the End-Game? Special Format is Guaranteed to Advance Your Game! >>>>> Oregon Base Camp Best Training Format

#Core Skills Training to Get to The Next Level#

Core Skills Training Session 1 - Dink To Stay Alive - 20min

Core Skills Training Session 2 - Opponent Side 3rd Shot Drive & Drop and KingsOrQueens Keep Em Back - 20min

Core Skills Training Session 3 - Opponent Side - Volley From Kitchen Line & KingsOrQueens From Transition Area - 20min

Core Skills Training Session 4 - KingsOrQueens Serve Deep (CoOperative) & Opponent Side Return Deep to Middle - 20min

Core Skills Training to Take You to the Next Level in Special Fun Format... That Includes Skills Training from Each Side of the Court

Fun Format that Rewards Each Player for Reducing Errors

Rules that Apply to All Sessions

The Longer The Point Lasts..The Better Player You Are

· Engage and Stay Positive As Best You Can Through-Out All Sessions - On the Court and In Waiting Queue

· Leave Your Ego at the Door - Best Effort

· KingsOrQueens Side Has 1 Leader/Feeder(always Feed to Player In Front of You 1st)

· KingsOrQueens Side Needs 2 Errors to Rotate Out to End of Queue

· Opponent Side Player Who Makes Error 1st Goes to End of Queue

· Opponent Side Player Sets up KingsOrQueens side with Attackable ball he/she Goes to End of Queue Not Partner who missed the Shot

· Either Side Lets An Incoming Ball Go Down the Middle Untouched By A Paddle Then Both Go To End of Queue

· Opponent Side Hits An Attackable That K/Q Put Away Down Middle... The Player that Setup The Attackable ball goes Out not their Partner

· Retrieve Balls When Leaving the Court and On Way to Waiting Queue

· Work your Way To Or Stay At the Kitchen Line (Of course this doesn’t mean At All Costs, if High attackable Ball, Retreat as Best you Can)

· Remember Both Sides are Working On Skills Try To Use Pressure Shots and Not Slamming Put-Aways (Especially In Door)

· Work As A Team

Training Session 1 - 20min

Dink To Stay Alive

5 CoOperative Dinks to Start the Point (Unless >11 Players and Switch to 3 CoOperative)

Work The Point...Be More Patient (Take Your Time) and Reduce Unforced Errors

Don’t Attack UnAttackable Balls… When you do Have a Attackable Ball - Think Slow Down and Where is the best Place to Hit the Ball

Press Your Dinks To The MIDDLE (Inside Foot-Just Make them move their feet) and Backhand Side

Try and Stay at the Kitchen Line and Volley Advancing to Rolling Volleys When Ready

Cover The Middle for Your Partner This Will Vary on Positions of Ball, Ability to Cover,Team Dynamics, Rec or Tournament or Training

Cover the Line and Your Partner Is responsible for the Remainder of the Court

We All Want to Hit the Ball, but What is the Angle of the Ball and who is the Best Positioned Player for the Ball Down the Middle?

Try to Anticipate Where your Opponent is going to hit the ball and start Moving in that direction ASAP

Try to Approach the Session As if Both Players are Equal Skill Level - Who is the Best Person To Take the Ball?

Alternate Between Iteration 1 and 2 per Class for Speciality Skills

Iteration #1 is to Transition to Only Volleys 3 Cooperatives to Start before Errors are Counted, but ALL Volleys are meant to be cooperative.

Iteration #2 is King and Queen Lob when they have the Opportunity from the NVZ

Opposition SIde Attempt Speed-ups and K&Q Side Practice Resetting the Ball, Unless Attachable Ball

Training Session 2 -20min

Opponent Side - Drops/Drive/Resets Into NVZ and KingsOrQueens Keep Em Back

Opponents Start at the NVZ Dinking for 3 Cooperative and After 3 Take 1 Step back Per Dink towards Baseline

Objective is to Make it all the way Back to Baseline through Transition Use Drop Shot or Drive from Baseline

Opponents Start Working Their Way back to NVZ

If Opponents Make it back to the NVZ then K&Q start working their Way thru Transition Zone to the Baseline do Drop Shots/Resets

K&Q can Choose to Use Drops or Drives from the Baseline, But Only Drives from Baseline

Opponents are at the NVZ Trying to Hold K&Q Back as the K&Q Are Working Forward to NVZ

At this point if 1 Error Is Made by K&Q Side, Then Both Go Out

Opponent Side Choose between a 3rd Shot Drop or Momentum Driving Shot

Get to the NVZ As Far as You Can Based on the Attackability of the Ball

Both Sides at NVZ is Keep Em Back by Hitting Stress Shots at their Feet and Middle - No Resets Into NVZ (Redos)

Both Sides Stress Each Other But Try Not to Slam the Ball

Training Session 3 - 20min Opponent Side - Volley From NVZ & KingsOrQueens From Transition Area

K&Q Side is the Feeder

Opponent Side Volley - Focus on Keeping KingsOrQueens Back by Hitting at their Feet or Down the Middle

Opponent Dropping Volley into Kitchen on KingsOrQueens Side is a ReDo

K&Q Work Their Way to the NVZ by Drop Shots/Resets into the Opponents NVZ

Iteration Specialty Skills Over Heads - Focus on Keeping KingsOrQueens Back by Hitting at their Feet or Down the Middle

KingsOrQueens Focus on Resetting Ball Into Kitchen and Making Your Way to the Kitchen

Training Session 4 -20min

KingsOrQueens Serve Deep (CoOperative) & Opponent Side Return Deep to Middle

Returner Gets 2 Attenpts to Return the Ball and Make It All the Way to Non-Volley Zone (Stopped & Ready Position) Prior To Return Ball Making it back

KingsOrQueens Serve Deep In CoOperative Fashion - Your Not trying to Win Point On Serve - A Serve Out is Error

Opponents Lofty Deep Return to Middle - Allowing You To Make It To Kitchen Line on ReTurn

Opponents Keep KingsOrQueens Back

Opponent Any Short or Drops into the Kitchen on Return of Serve is a Redo

KingsOrQueens 3rd Shot Drop or Driving Approach Shot Working Your Way to Kitchen

CoOperative Serves that Go Out Are a Error and Any Return Shots Into the Net or Out Are Errors

Core Skills Training Session 2022-Dec

Core Skills Training Session 2023-Jan

Core Skills Training Session 2023-Jan

Please Help Determine Which Logo has the most Appeal... Flame Ball on Top or On Left Side or Name in Flame Ball?

Please HELP In The Building Of A Better Program

Please Provide Feedback in the Way that Helps You Be Engaged the BEST Submit Email, Text, Phone Call or Face to Face

Court Coverage and Movement, Volleys ,OverHeads, Lobbing, Aggressive Serves, and Returns


Core=4 Skill Areas

Dink to Stay Alive

3rd Shot Drops/Drives/Volleys /Baseline Thru Transition Zone

Volleys and Start In Transition Zone

Serve and Return Deep and NVZ

ALP Games


Core=2 and Specialty=2

Dink to Stay Alive

Volley Both Sides

3rd Shot Drops/Drives/Volleys /Baseline Thru Transition Zone


ALP Games


Core=2 and Specialty=3

Dink to Stay Alive

Lobbing From NVZ (K&Q)

3rd Shot Drops/Drives/Volleys /Baseline Thru Transition Zone

Serve to Cause Opponent to Move & Returns Increase Speed As Long as You Reach the NVZ

ALP Games

See Fun New Pickleball Format

TEAM Rally Scoring

Amateur League Pickleball (ALP)

Enhance All Skills...Both Core and Specialty

PPR USA Pickleball Certification in Scottsdale, AZ

Instructor Class Terravita Country Club - 2023

Based on Skill Level, Written, and Teaching